Holmes in the AM
i shouldn't say i've been reading them because for the last 5 days I haven't got past the second one and today i'm still stoppped @
" I am conscious that this Universal IT (Spirit, God) is an ever-present being to me and to every person, because where the Universe personifies, It becomes personal. Therefore there is within me an immediate Presence, the Infinite of the (my) finite self, all knowing, all wise and forever perfect. (here is the part that really speaks to me) It is the REAL Me that I seek to vision with my thought, and I seek to embody in my consciousness."
Having written that ... what can I say about it except ... Daaaaaaaaaaaamn!!!!
I just have to sit with that for a while and so that's what I've been doing for two dayze now ... all the while waiting for the full import of what I'm hearing to sink in as well as waiting for the ... awe ... around the Truth I hear in that statement to release me from its grip. When I think of all of the years I spent wondering what was wrong with me and why my life didn't work ... it's kind of humbling to see that there never was anything wrong and that my life always worked according to my belief. All I've been doing and .. it's a pretty big "all" has been to try to catch a glimpse of myself ... my REAL self like a might if I wanted to pull out a detail of the landscape as I rushed by in a race car. I've been trying to slow my thought down just enough so that ... Divine Presence could intrude ... once or twice ... I've been trying to inhabit a essential beingness that Barker calls "I AM consciousness" that is a self-definition of me as complete in a realm of timelessness and spacelessness where time and space are lines of demarcation and measurement and NEVER of fact or limitation.
It is great to know that I am not bound by my past failures or success; that I am not limited by external conditions. Every spiritual system, Christianity is no exception here, was founded by one who knew this and groped his or her way toward the light of this Truth.
If ever there was a clear case of a teacher mentoring anyone who would "hear his word" into an open system, in the here and now and yet completely outside the limitations of the here and now, then, Jesus is the ONE
Holmes goes on in the meditation to reference the 1st Chapter of the Gospel of John, you know ..." In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God ..." in the light of his understanding of the "I Am consciousness ... BRILLIANT!!
... the Universal self is made manifest because the Word is made flesh and dwells in the midst of my physical me" (and by extension my physical, mine, my world, my affairs, my relationships, my country, and the list goes on) ... The word becomes activity and surrounds me with harmonious activity ... with happy action and perfect reaction." again Daaaaaamn!!!
What a way to start the day!