Friday, December 31, 2004

I won't be kissing strangers tonight ...

I could say i'll be @ home tonight because i'm getting old and i'm not into all the "partying" around New Years but the truth is old or not I was NEVER into it ... and i'm pretty sure most of you aren't either but like Christmas, New Years exerts a powerful influence on us to conform to the obligatory merrymaking. I was thinking yesterday about how difficult Christmas is for so many people. i think we're trapped in a mindset of gotta DO Christmas like in my family. Do you realize how few of us statistically are "in families" these days and yet we want to create this artificial family Christmas thing and drive ourselves crazy trying to achieve it. Rest, comfort and the "peace" Christmas is so famous for are a change of thought away ... aren't they?

Anyway I wont be out kissing a bunch of strangers at midnight tonight. I will be @ home in a place a I love, drinking champagne by candlelight in the bath ... with some one I love and counting my blessings. That's the way I want to end 2004.

I'm thinking. How much is my beautiful float home worth in $$$? How much would I take for it today? What about my partner? If I had to give him up, how much would I want for him? What about my job. Yeah I know how much I earn in a week, a month, a year etc. but how much would I want to really give up the joy, the sense of accomplishment, the feeling of connection, the depth of emotion in seeing a life changed, hope return, relationships healed? What about giving up my eyes; my ability to read and study, or my body ... Oh and with what is going on in in southeast Asia in the wake of the Tsunami ... how much would you take to give up the comfort and security of your life here free from the anguish, pain and death all around you in ... say ... Sumatra, or Thailand or Sri Lanka? I guess you can see where I'm going ... I'm up into the millions of dollars now, probably billions and the list is only just started.

I can see New Years Eve 2005 turning into quite a celebration. Thanks Og Mandino for inspiring my thoughts today ... There is a lot to be thankful for and crass as it may sound putting a $ figure on it really brought it home to me. Gotta go ... Happy New Year everyone ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... dont mind me i'm just counting


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