Wednesday, June 08, 2005

A moving Experience

Everybody wants to grow and change but nobody wants the transition. Is that true? Well it is if you think it is. I certainly proved that to myself over the last 2 years or 18 months. It is true that some people didn't want to move and when we hold that belief guess what. We gather around us people to dont want to change. They are drawn to us like flies to ... honey. We then start to feed off one anothers energy. the Universe if you haven't noticed supports change. If you put a lot of living things in a small space with no room to grow they die. The Universe supports change. In this case the change looks like destruction. I am convinced in our last months, year in the Chateau the Universe supported our shrinking because I was afraid to risk growing (me, you, the Centre) I am SO grateful to our wonderful landlord Marcia Cargill for listening to the promptings of Spirit and giving us the boot.

The "moving experience" I refer to is week 1 in Seaquam. I ahve NEVER expereinced the level of enthusiasm for one another and for the spirit of how can I serve that was in the room on Sunday. I felt for the first time in three years that the people had taken ownership of their Centre. We took responsibilty for how it worked, we accepted accountability for everything in our experience that day and we took pride in the fact that we had a community and a Sunday experience that said we believe in growth. I want to let you all know that a group met at Starbucks immediately after we closed everything down to say "Ok what worked?" "What didn't and what can we make better?" Now that is commitment to growth and excellence!!!

Were you moved? I was. Are you moved? I AM.

Watch us grow!


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