Wednesday, October 13, 2004

In Shape????

I guess we're always "in shape". The question is, what shape is that? I imagine you've figured out that i'm now using two books for my morning inspirational practice.

I have a model sailboat on my mantle. It's a fairly large scale one of the famous J boats from the 30's and somewhere packed away in all of my junk I have a small ship in a bottle. It's (the ship in the bottle) really beautifully realized and exquisite in it's attention to detail. Let's face it all the time and energy that it took to get it into that bottle has got to be worth something. There has also got to be a reason why it is packed away and not out on display.

well ... I read PDL first thing this morning and I liked it. There was the usual stuff about what God wants from me but I'm learning to just kind of step over that and move on and look for the "meat" of the message for the day. There was a lot I enjoyed thjis morning. I liked much of what I read and saw how powerfully liking my shape and recognizing how unique and gifted I am ... just as I am could and would lead me a greater sense of fulfillment and a greater desire to serve (minister, same thing).
Since this is a big topic of conversation in our Centre and in the world generally, I looked forward to getting launched with a new idea, new motivation, new intention. In the end all I got was, "Do it cuz God wants you to ... and He'll like you better for it."

" In heaven we are gonig to serve God forever. Right now, we can prepare for eternal service by practicing on earth."

Suddenly I remembered my ship in the bottle. Rick's message has been beautifully crafted over centuries, it is exquisite in its attention to the biblical, theological message ... and it, like the ship in the bottle, is going nowhere.

Pema Chodron, on the other hand is like my J Boat on the mantle. I could pull that boat off the stand, step out on the dock, put it in the water and watch the tide carry it out to sea. Where it would end up ... who knows. In short a vision like the one in The Wisdom of No Escape fires my imagination, lifts me up on the wings of "a better yet to be" and fuels my intention to be here now!
Even the title The Wisdom of no Escape is filled with promise. The problem with heaven as I see it is ... it's an escape route. The path of service, meditation, prayer, love, relationship, even struggle .... our life generally has to do with curiosity and inquisitiveness. Getting to know my shape is about befriending who I already am through a process of getting to know who that is in action in the world here ... not practicing for some REALLY important work later. Chodron says that people often tell her, "I really wanted to contact you, visit you, call you, write to you and get some advice on things but I wanted to wanted to be more together first." Her response? "Well, if you're anything like me you could wait forever."

I learned yesterday that one of the most important influences in my life and one of the major contributors to the "fabric of good will"on the planet died in July. Randy Revell along with his wife Judy (happily still with us) were the founders of Context Associated. I remember Randy speaking at the Hyatt in Vancouver one morning in one of his intor's to the Persuit of Excellence.

I remember still how his fabric of good will speech touched me and fired my imagination with the idea that I could do something to restore that fabric here and now. Randy, I would not be a minister today were it not for you and for that speech. I don't know where you are now, but I'm happy that you were there, then.

For the Persuit, the Wall, the Advancement, Mastery and 21st Century Leadership. I thank you. Most importantly for your vision of a world transformed ...

... in the shape you're in ... sail on NOW!


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