Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Day 14

"God does not ask anything else from you except that you let yourself go and let God be God in you." -Meister Eckhart

Went back to PDL and it was still open facedown where I left it at 7AM ... still the same. "You wake up one morning and all of your spiritual feelings are gone. You pray, but nothing happens, You go through your spiritual exercises ... you have your friends pray for you ... you go around asking forgiveness of everyone you know ... you confess every misstep you can imagine. You fast ... still nothing. You are deep in the Dark Night of the Soul, my son, my son! the ministry of absence, ministry of the night, winter of the heart and you ask how long will this last. Days, weeks months ... will it ever end?

OK so it's not that bad! But I need to confess this is my second attempt at this blog and it now 4:41PM I Imagine that every person called to live "on purpose" at some point asks what would my life be like had I not decided to embark on this course of action. What would my family be like, my career, my Church, my ... bank account, my waistline ... if we want to get down to the TRULY mundane. I sometimes tell myself I could have resisted living out what I know. I could have resisted living on purpose and then ... someone, usually another seeker says! Bullshit! Rev. So ... you know what you know, you believe what you believe and you listen to the small voice that says "THIS WAY to your most cherished dreams for your life.

Trusting God and feeling despair at the same time the patriarch David said in the Psalms, "I believed and so I said, I am completely ruined."(NCV) I think the Lamsa version speaks more to my state of mind right now ..."I believed therefore have I spoken; I have been humbled exceedingly.

And still Edman's words keeps coming back to me "never doubt in the dark what God told you in the light".



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