Thursday, September 09, 2004


I get it. The first 2 days were the warm up. Now we're into it. Seems to me a lot of what I see in RS Churches is a lot of endless rummaging around in whats wrong with life (read my life) and how can I fix it? I mean, I've got the tools, Mind, the Law, Treatment, choice ... so I just use them and "get RS" and everything will be OK right?

So what happens?

I'm discovering that the motivation to get my life in order is pretty thin stuff if I dont have something to do with that life once it is together. So I guess Pastor Warren is right, It's time for me, maybe us and maybe all of New Thought to get itself a purpose bigger than just being OK. Most of his thoughts in day 3 are ... well pretty much the selfhelp stuff you can hear anywhere. Driven by fear, guilt, anger, resentment, greed and the need for approval ... yup I can see myself and half the people I know run by a combination of most of those things, but I'd be hard pressed to tell you the purpose at the centre of 99% of the people I know. I'll admit there are times when I'd find it tough to tell myself what my purpose is.

So Rick Warren and I are still on the same page ... knowing my purpose gives meaning to my life ... got it. Knowing my purpose simplifies my life ... It sure would. Knowing my purpose would focus me. Knowing my purpose would prepare me for eternity? Now wait a minute ...
Now we're not talking purpose, we're talking motivation. I guess I could still play in this game with motivation from within but once you start talking about eternity I'm back in the motivation from outside category and from there it's a short trip back to fear, guilt, anger, resentment and approval again.

Too bad, Rick. You had me for a while but there has got to something more than heavenly rewards and fear of ... to this purpose thing.


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