A Heaven Postponed!
I like the idea of being part of God's family ... As an idea it is attractive, just the same, I continually bump up against my uneasiness with the Christian or maybe I should say biblical message ... Never quite sure why.
Today I got a bit closer. It's too small. Sure heaven is BIG but a heaven postponed? Sure being part of God's family is fine, getting that inheritance is a sweet idea but ... Why do I have to wait? I'm here ... Now. If now has no value except for later ... Well ... Then why is there a now? Now I know you cant just have a later but ... Well I guess you see where I'm going with this. Time to shift my tack
Carolyn Myss ... in Spiritual Madness ... The final stage of the madness and where you really want to hang out is in Gratitude. So many of us adopt this idea of making the best of our lives. I didn't get the job I wanted or the great love of my life, or my children didn't turn out the way I wanted or ... And so I'll just make the best of it until heaven comes my way, and I become the inheritor of the Divine Promise. Now I may be too much a product of the human development movement of the 80's and 90's but there is a lot to be said for living in gratitude rather than resignation. All of the quotes from Paul's Epistles point as much to enjoying my inheritance now as they do to the "heaven postponed". The prodigal "came to himself"in this life and returned to his father to receive the largesse from his hand in this life; had a party and a fatted calf in this life; wore the rings on his finger and bells on his toes in this life (OK, the bells on the toes was my idea)
Myss says, "The word miracle is for those who don't know how God works in the here and now."
To me the same goes for the word heaven. I like my life open ended. Recognizing that God is always at work in my life now is the way of seeing the everyday miracle. Living in gratitude for that miracle ... is how I step into my present good rather than postponing it. AS for my family ... Well ... I'm gonna phone my brother now ... And tell him I love him. I tell you ....
He'll think that's a miracle!!!
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